C3DPhoto App Support Page
An iPhone Utility App





C3DPhoto is an iPhone utility that will convert single photos in your Photo Library into 3D images viewable with Google Cardboard viewer or equivalent.

When the app starts, the User selects the "From the Library" button and the Images available from the Photo Library are displayed. When a photo is selected, the app converts the photo into a new photo viewable by the Google Carboard viewer or an equivalent. The new photo is then saved back into the Photo Libary.

If the "visiblity" option in the apps preferences is selected, a 3D representation of the new image is displayed. Moving the slider under the image will rotate the image, making visible the "depth" of the image

App Preferences

Version: x.y (For information only)
Copyright: ©IMAGEMaster (For information only)
Visibility: On - Show the new images' depth; Off (Default) - Do not show the new images' depth







FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

• How does the App convert a single image into a 3D viewable image?

The details of the algorithm is proprietary. It is based on transfer function estimation and 2 dimensional frequency anaylsis. As you can see from the "Visibility" option, it does work pretty well.